Kopi Bali
Bali Coffee Banyuatis
Bali Coffee Banyuatis is a coffee manufacturing company registered as CV. Pusaka Bali Persada. It processes raw coffee bean to various ready-to-consume coffee products and distributes them nation-wide. The leading product of Bali Coffee Banyuatis use selected Arabica and Robusta coffee beans, handpicked from the best quality coffee plantation all around Bali while conserving the traditional way of processing the beans.
100% Authentic Bali Coffee
All products are made from 100% pure coffee without any added preservatives or other ingredients.
Bali Coffee Banyuatis began in 1960
The story of Bali Coffee Banyuatis began in 1960 by KETUT ENGLAN
Great Quality Product
Bali Coffee Banyuatis focuses on continuous product development and quality improvement to strive for high market acceptance rate.
